Monday 19 January 2015

Who is looking for a small investment? I need funds for all sorts of things mainly equipment. I will offer the equivalent of my company value being at 1mil sterling therefore 1 pond sterling would equal 0.0001% company ownership which is not so bad when you consider that possible outcome high end is millions annually to tens of thousands low. 

Providing i get it to make 100k annually your 1 pound could easily turn into 10 pence per year, if i get to where i really want to be and make 10mil annually your 1pound would turn into 10 pound per year etc...

Investor will not start seeing a return for the first 24months after investment as all profits will need to go on costs.

So i want to start a Media Production Company that caters for those housebound through mental or phisicall illness. I am willing to take investors on up to 50k at this stage thus putting on the table 5% of the company.

I want to create a Company that will create media mainly for those housebound through physical or mental illness. This is a long way away at first we will simply concentrate on creating a company that turns a profit and then use it to do some good.

Ideally i would need 50k to spread out over a two year period. Spending roughly 500 a month on living costs and the rest on freelancer of various varieties.

Im asking for allot but when you consider that 5 years down the line in my business plan i would have a program in place that is hopefully recognized worldwide with a subscription fee of one dollar per year and potential clients reaching into hundreds of millions throughout EU and US alone.

Im not asking you personally to invest 50k just the part that goes towards it in return for your share. Take cash through Paypal i have a registered business account and fees are to be covered by the investor. Also it would be a good way to keep record of as and when your 24 months have passed and you are due for you return.

If you have a quid to spare for the lottery then you have a quid for this and once you have invested everything you invest from then on will be added together and you start getting your share of profits from 24months after your first investment. We have a investors group page which is set to private and we can discuss private matters there... i.e. where and how i plan to move the business

All question welcome, alternately your all welcome to just go ahead and purchase your share they start at £1 for 0.0001% of TSLA Productions yet to be registered. The Paypal button is on the right of the page at the top.

It takes £1 to come to the private FB group where i will be more open about the stuff i plan to do over the next 3-5 years providing i have the capital i need to work with. 50K is my ideal amount but we can build a company that returns your investment with allot less in in slightly longer. 

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